Feb 27, 2006

RIP Oak Bottom 1997-2005

"we've all lost a good friend, teacher, insipration, and the best
free-of-charge nasal douche on the salmon river. almost exactly eight
years after being sculpted into playspot perfection by the infamous
january 1, 1997 flood (70,000 cfs), the december 27, 2005 flood (65,000
cfs) took away the wave. completely, with no hope of return barring
divine intervention or multiple cataclysmic floods. the flood giveth
and the flood taketh away. our tears will make rivers.....

the river bed filled in, the gradient is gone, there is no wave at all,
just two boils and some swirly water. no eddies, just a bunch of water
slammed against the right bank. even the parking area is filled in so
that you can't park." Scott Harding

In December I was paddling on the Salmon and skipped Oak Bottom due to cold weather and being alone, how I rue that decision now. How we will miss the bottom!

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